Between Engagement and Wedding.pdf

Different ways to propose

There are many ways to make the moment memorable and special, depending on your personalities and lifestyles.

Flowers are essential. Just in case you didn't already know, you're supposed to hand her the flowers
Many girls dream and imagine what this day will be like. Try to align your plans with her expectations.  Therefore, as much as you just want to get it over with, this will be a representational of how you care about her feelings - and you should for the rest of your lives together. Below we have  created a list of settings and styles of a marriage proposal. On your last dates its great to raise the topic of the proposal. 2 important things to confirm in advance, 

Once you have those 2 details confirmed, start planning on your own (other married friends give great advice) what elements both of you would enjoy.

Think about: the 4 senses. You want it to be an immersive memory forever for both of you.

The Next 2 important things for yourself are: 


Going to the Ohel

Engagement Gifts




aka: Vort, engagement party

Try to find a quick maamar to recite at the L'chaim

It’s your responsibility to print the maamar and bring it along.

During Engagement

Once your wedding invitation is printed, take a copy to the Ohel and to the graves of your ancestors.