The Rebbe's Siddur

Either the day of, or in the days leading up to your wedding the minhag is to daven Mincha with the Rebbe's siddur.

Out of Town?
Rabbi Krinsky has a Tehillas Hashem siddur that was used by the Rebbe, which he lends to chassanim traveling out of town for their weddings.

The Rebbe's Kapota

Wearing the Rebbes Garments like shirt and kapota under the Chuppa is a great zchus for brochos.

Out-of-Town Rental Policy:

The kapota must be returned on the night of the wedding or the following morning. Fee: $450

The Rebbe Rayatz's Coat

The outermost garment under the chuppa. 

The coat fits over a kapota size 44R - 46R.
